vineri, 25 decembrie 2009

A little story, it's meant to be read at night.A story about a little man who wanted to be a somebody, wanted to acheive something, they say bad things happen to bad people....but they never tell you how much fun it is to be bad. Even when you say it,it kind of has a ring to it.if you know what i mean.Mafia,Drug Dealers,Assassins and all that crap,you can't say they are bad....they are just doing what they do best....killin people....and ripping us off.
And so we get to our story about this kid who had to go through all this shit when he was a child, even though his parents were there for him, and he had friends that were sort of close to him...he always felt alone, he wanted to be like the people in the movies, he wanted to live his life just as the great heads of this planet live theirs.
Every story has to have a place to start,for him this place was a small restaurant not far from where i am standing right now.After working his ass off all day and night for some money .... one day a guy came in busting through the door, by the look on his face we cold all see that he had money and style, he was the one thing this kid wanted to become.
As he came in, he shouted something about wanting the best of the best of what we had to offer.And that is what we did, we brought him the best food, best wine, and the very best waiters we had.
Luckilly me and my friend Ronny were just the guys for this, and so that guy ate and drank and partied all night long.
It was the best night ever, me and my friend promissed ourselves that we were gonna be just like him, we were going to have it all. And so from a order to another, we started talkin to him, we were like his mini entertaining group....always joking and making him feel welcome.
We were sucking up to the big man, thats how we all start, you need to start from the bottom or not start at all.
The night passed, and he as a fine gentleman paid all and left us a sweet tip.But besides that tip there was a note,a note that was going to change our perspective forever.
There are many who want the power of money and fame, but me and my friend....we had other plans, we wanted to be the most feared of them all,we wanted to be rememberd in history like the meanest fockin son's'bitches this country had ever seen.
And so we started, the note told us that we were expected at a party of his, and that he expected us to come wearing somethin' formal.So that is what we did, all that money we gathered from workin our asses, we bought ourselves some suits, the best that we cold find.
And so we went to this guys party, "it can't hurt us if we go" we said to ourselves.
That adress was not far away from us, a little neighbourhood called wineville.
Don't even think of askin me why wine because there was no fockin wine in that part of town....maybe they just liked the soud of it, or maybe i don't remember the freakin name.
As we got there in our fucked up car....our entire life's perpective changed drastically.
There were light's everywhere, Pretty girls walkin with ugly men,and if u tried real hard you could hear the music from outside...oh the music...i will never forget that violin playing for the first time in my ears.
To be continued.....

Yours trully,Godsent.

joi, 17 decembrie 2009

Life is just....

Just?Just get a CLUE !!!!life is let's see , booring and fun, lovely but sad, one minute you are in a puddle of dirt , the next you are in an air plane going into the adventure of your life...
That is life, u cannot classify it, it just
It's our fire that bruns a lot or doesn't burn at all , and all the things we go through are the recepies of our entire life ,some of them suck , but some of them tase as good as anything could ever taste.
So get out there and eat all u can eat , because the life goes out eventually.

Yours trully,GodSent.